Project Progress: Cooperstown Medical Center
May 26, 2022

With over 50 people working on this project daily, we are seeing fast-moving progress with the Cooperstown Medical Center in Cooperstown, ND. The hospital is changing significantly everyday, and we are currently working on the following:
Exterior site grading, preparing and pouring sidewalks, stoops, curbs and gutters, as well as metal stud framing is being done to the exterior. The exterior of the care center portion of the building is also starting to get siding installed and the fire suppression is currently being roughed. We are also insulating, drywalling, installing HVAC and electrical, and much more inside of the hospital. These steps, along with the recent framing of the interior rooms, has been a milestone for this project. Seeing the interior go from one large space to its desired layout has made the project come to life. We are pleased with how it has come along thus far and we look forward to continuing on.
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